Tuesday, April 25, 2006

So hard to not binge and purge at the moment. Having really bad bulimic episodes. Like 6 sandwiches, 2 packs of doughnuts, 2 bags of crisps and a box of chocolate bad... and then some. I have dropped more pounds so I should just be thankful for being able to be sick so easily and for my naturally manic tendencies that led to me being a compulsive exerciser as well. Doesn't make it any easier though. Anorexia was so pure, I really do not want to get into a daily purging habit again.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Sorry I hadn't dropped off the face of the planet just ... working pretty hard and doing what I do. I have losy about 8 pounds the past few days which is good, feeling like I am getting somewhere again. Need to be 105 at the moment, so about 9 pounds left to go, feel so fat for not doing that already but I am trying. My head is so tired. Wish I knew where to get more ephedra stackers from - I guess I should have stockpiled more. I used to LOVE my Stacker 2/3's :) Aah well, if anyone knows of any good alternates then please give me a shout.